JABDIP - Just Another Beautiful Day In Paradise

Stuff about life

Saturday, March 26, 2005


The initial posting to this, my initial blog, was supposed to be pithy and substantial. Instead it appears that it will be merely, well, short.

The intent of this blog is to provide tools and resources for personal development including information on fitness and nutrition.

This blog, which I hope to soon expand to a real website on my own domain, has been made possible by the generosity of an honorable man, John Holland of JH Studios.

I'd been using the acronym JABDIP for years to refer to a state of mind (more on that later). When I finally got around to checking into a domain name, I discovered that it had been registered by Mr. Holland about a month earlier. He was willing to sell the domain for an amount that was way beyond my ability to accommodate. I explained my situation and made what I hoped was not an offensive offer for the domain.

Needless to say, I was very disappointed and berated myself mercilessly for allowing my tendency to procrastinate to cause me to lose the domain. I had resigned myself to finding a new name for my domain when Mr. Holland responded. We traded emails for a few days with him explaining his situation and me explaining mine. I was happy that he was planning to use the site for a good cause (sharing the beauty of the Tampa Bay area) and hoped that he would be open to helping me design a decent site when I get ready.

His surprising acceptance of my offer to purchase the domain name caused me a great deal of delight. If you find yourself in need of web design or any of the other services Mr. Holland offers, please give him a look.

And so I begin. . . .


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